(SG-1809-20-H) Urgent FSN’s of PENTAX Medical Duodenoscope several models Manufactured by PENTAX Europe GmbH
(WU1836), NCMDR Weekly Update
(WU1835), NCMDR Weekly Update
(WU1833), NCMDR Weekly Update
(WU1834), NCMDR Weekly Update
(SG-1808-19-H) Urgent FSN’s of THERA-Trainer balo, BALANCE-Trainer, THERA-Trainer verto Manufactured by Medica Medizintechnik GmbH
(WU1832), NCMDR Weekly Update
(SG-1808-17-H) Warning about Essure Permanent Birth Control Device Manufactured by Bayer
(SG-1808-16-H) Warning Against Use of Energy-Based Devices to Perform Vaginal 'Rejuvenation' or Vaginal Cosmetic Procedures
(WU1831), NCMDR Weekly Update