The Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA) would like to clarify that further to the news communicated via social media and electronic news websites, with regard to “Plastic Rice” product which is made of a mixture of potatoes and sweet potatoes in addition to rice flavor and artificial gum. This plastic Rice can be distinguished from the natural rice only after cooking. SFDA is taking all the necessary actions to restrict entry of this type of rice to the local markets. SFDA inspectors at the points of entry verify all shipment documents to make sure they are complete (document audit)and all items comply with the documents ( product identity)in addition to conducting field visit to the shipment containers to make sure that they are safe and their temperature is suitable to the product.
Also physical examination is conducted on samples of the product to make sure that they comply with the approved standard specifications and all technical aspects required are in place, as well as sending samples of the product for laboratory analysis as required by the standard specification No, GSO 1003- for Rice .
Rice products are also subject to physical examination covering examination of purity, clearance from poisonous and harmful seeds, abnormal odor, color and length of rice grain, cooking to make sure of of the physical characteristics of rice- in addition to the chemical examination covering pollutants and pesticides remains, as well as microbial examination to make sure that the grains are safe and free from fungal poisons.
SFDA highlighted that it tracks via its Rapid Alarm Center any incidents affecting food safety at the global level and takes all necessary precautionary action to restrict the entry of any violating products to the Kingdom. However, in the event of recall of food products, SFDA communicates with the respective regulatory authorities in order to know all details that help to prevent entry of such products to the Saudi market.