The SFDA, Food Sector prepared a workshop about food safety and traceability aspects in collaboration with a team of exports from the US CDC, and National Food Institute DTU. Dr. Frederick J. Angulo, Deputy Brach Chief of the CDC, gave a presentation entitled " Food borne disease: Surveillance and Response" in which he illustrated some examples of the US successful experience in the field of food safety and traceability. The following presentation was about "Multi State Outbreaks of E.coli 0157 and Salmonella Tennessee Due to Fresh Spinach and Contaminated Peanut Butter" presented by Dr. Anandi Sheth, a Medical Epidemiologist CDC. Afterwards, Dr. Ole E. Heuer DVM, Ph, Senior Scientist from the Natioinal Food Institute, illustrated the EU experience in the area of "Food Monitoring, and Strategies for Food Safety and Control". He also indicated the role of the Danish Zoones Center in coordinating the functions of several food-related bodies.
The workshop incorporated discussions and questions from the audience. The workshop was attended by officials from KSU, MOH, Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs, Riyadh Municipality as well as other local bodies.