The Quality Department of SFDA Food Sector organized, in coordination with Business Processes and Strategic Information Department of Planning & IT Sector, a workshop entitled ‘Business Processes Management of Food Sector’ to measure the level of Sector’s performance and to improve performance measurement which contributes to improvement and documentation of sector’s processes to attain a high level of maturity.The workshop addressed several quality and maturity topics in the field of business processes, concepts and control, business processes maturity levels in organizations and how to attain a high level of maturity of performance improvement.
At the end of the workshop Dr. Ibrahim Al Mehaizie, VP for Food Affairs, delivered a memorial shield to the workshop presenter Engineer Bassam Al Khrashi and thanked him for his presentation on Business Processes Management and Strategic Information. Dr. Al Mehaizie called at the end of the workshop for professional implementation of business processes and regulations to ensure improvement of business processes management in the Sector and SFDA in general to attain high level of quality.It worth mentioning that Food Sector was recently awarded ISO 9001:2008 quality certification from TUV, Germany, upon sector’s compliance with all quality requirements through implementation of Quality Management System in all Sector’s operations.