The Chief Executive Officer of the SFDA d. Mohammed bin Ahmed Alkanhal ensured to Ukaz newspaper that the SFDA concerned about setting an effective and perfect strategy that is comprehensive, realistic and flexible. The SFDA believes in the necessity of following correct scientific methodology to implement the project which confirm the knowledge of strategic planning and assure offering administrative experiences that are able to follow up and implement this main project in order to specify the SFDA future approach and its work machinery according to studying other organizations and associations practices and depending on the results of communicating with experiences centers.
D. Alkanhal stated that the methodology of the plan depends on three main inputs. They are: vision and mission, analyzing the recent state and studying successful experiences. The vision of the SFDA is that (the SFDA will be regionally the pioneer monitoring authority in food, drugs and medical devices fields, and it will provide its services professionally to contribute in protecting and enhancing health in the K.S.A.). While the mission is ( assuring health safety and drugs effectiveness, quality and reliability beside assuring security and sufficiency of medical devices and products through establishing an effective monitoring system). In addition, a survey study e.g. ( interviews, questionnaires and official documents) has been done to all related sectors in order to analyze the recent state.
The successful international experiences relies on ( contrastive comparison) in designating the countries according to their field progress and their resemblance with the state of the K.S.A regarding its great dependence on exporting. Moreover, it depends on real participation in making several interviews with the organizations officials which resulted in having three international models about monitoring level, they are: coordination and monitoring model. supervision and checking model . obligation and controlling model.
The second model (supervision and checking ) has been chosen for all sectors. While the plan outputs consist of a number of strategic basics for each main sector ( food, drug and medical devices ). The sectors have strategic requirements which have strategic goals. The goals have been transformed into different projects relating to these sectors while the outputs of the strategic plan have been classified according to SFDA sectors ( food, drug and medical devices), beside the faculties sector that support all of these main sectors. The study resulted in several projects, some of the most important ones are:
First: in food field:
- setting a high performance organizational framework in food monitoring field.
- issuing a unified food system.
- establishing inspecting and monitoring teams in safety food fields.
- setting a plan for monitoring imported food flow.
Second: in pesticide field:
setting monitoring regulations of pesticides. -
-assuring the registration of all local pesticides establishments.
- setting a technique for observing and pursue the pesticides residues in food and forage.
Third: in animals forage field:
- registerating all forage establishments.
- ensuring admitting all forages through designated accesses.
- inspecting all local forage factories and related farms.
Fourth: in drugs field:
- updating and improving the recent drug administration system.
- setting a system of cosmetics.
- establishing advanced labs in the SFDA in order to analyze drugs.
Fifth: in medical devices field:
- establishing a data base to count medical devices associations and their products.
- establishing a center for receiving notifications of medical devices and products accidents.
- setting technical and safety specifications of medical devices and products.
In field of faculties, the plan confirmed the evaluations of functional needs and financial expectations. According to the importance of strategic planning especially in foundational stages for any establishment, the preparation of the strategic plan was one of the basic duties which has been implemented by the SFDA during the first stage of its establishment. The strategy consists of five folders, distinctive experiences centers have participated in making it.
The source: Ukaz newspaper.