A Press Conference about Similac Gain Plus3 Baby Milk

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SFDA held,  at its Head Office in Riyadh today, a Press Conference,  for which it called all Media means in order to explain to them the facts about Similac Gain Plus3 Baby Milk. Through the statement released in the Conference, SFDA sought to remove the Kingdom’s- consumer worries about this milk, whereas SFDA previously issued alerts to clarify some facts.

The Press Release came as follows:

First: On Friday 25/9/1434H (2/8/2013), SFDA Rapid Food Alarm Center received a report from the International Food Safety Alarms Network (INFOSAN) including information about two shipments to the Kingdom containing (9) Lots of Similac Gain Plus3 Baby Milk , produced by Fonterra Dairy Company of New Zealand for Abbot Company. The shipment was suspected to be contaminated by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Due to the danger of this microbe and the sensitivity of milk consumers –Children between 1-3 years old , SFDA immediately announced the details of these shipments on its official website, confirming that the shipments were not released.

Second: After this announcement, SFDA communicated with the Ministry of Primary Industries of New Zealand and Fonterra diary company - New Zealand and found that the contamination with the bacteria occurred in one Lot only –Not 9 Lots. The contaminated Lot Number is K 402 287824 with production date : 2/5/2013 and expiry date: 31/10/2014. SFDA was sure that this Lot did not enter to the Kingdom in any previous shipment other than the two announced ones which were not released.

Third: In line with the principle of transparency, adopted by SFDA in communication with citizens and expatriate communities, we hereby clarify the details of the two unreleased shipments, in cooperation with SFDA and Customs Department.

1. The First Shipment:

Customs Declaration No. 220238 dated 13/9/1434H- quantity: 3603 Cartons , out of which 3465 Cartons are of the contaminated Lot number K 402 287824 and the remaining 141 Cartons are from other Lot numbers which are not affected by contamination

2. The Second Shipment:

Customs Declaration No. 224683 dated 16/9/1434H- quantity: 1383 Cartons , out of which 255 Cartons are of the contaminated Lot number K 402 287824 and the remaining 1128 Cartons are from other Lot numbers which are not affected by contamination


We confirm that all quantities of the two shipments were not released, including the unaffected Lot numbers.

Fourth: By reviewing the Imports Records, it is found that parts of the 8 Lots , which were not affected by contamination, has partially entered to the Kingdom in previous shipments over several months. This explains why these Lots are available in the local market, and again we confirm that they are not affected by contamination.

Fifth: In line with the strict procedures adopted by SFDA in dealing with such circumstances, SFDA has taken the following precautionary actions:

1. Forced Abbot representative to recall all Lot numbers of Similac Gain Plus3 Baby Milk from the local market. However, the recalled Lots did not include the contaminate Lot number k402 2878224 with production date: 2/5/2013 whereas this Lot basically did not enter to the local market due to detention of the two shipments containg this and other Lot numbers.

2. SFDA immediately sent samples of various Lot numbers of Similac Gain Plus3 Baby Milk, recalled from the local markets, to professional international laboratories, specialized in detecting rare types of bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum bacteria , to make sure that they are free from this microbe.





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