SFDA, represented by Food Sector, has conducted a professional training on’ Nutritional and Health Alleges of Food Products ‘in coordination with GCC Standardization Authority, during the period 24-27/01/1434H (8-11/12/2012), at Al Izdihar Holiday Inn, Riyadh. The first course was entitled: (Nutritional and Health Information and Alleges of Food Products’ 24-25/01l1434H (8-9/12/2012). The purpose of the course is to introduce participants to the importance of Nutritional and Health Information and Alleges of Food Products, food that have special use, international, regional and national legislations and the relevant scientific foundations.
The second course was entitled: ‘Food Additives & Pollutants’- 26-27/01/1434H (10-11/12/2012). The purpose of the course is to introduce participants to the international, regional and national specifications and legislations related to Food Additives & Pollutants and the role of control authorities in implementation of the same.
The courses were attended by GCC specifications developers, representatives of the Ministries of Industry, Commerce, Health, Environment and interested manufacturers and control authorities in member states.
SFDA was keen to solicit an elite of PhD holders in the field of the two courses at the international level to make sure to expose the participants to the lasts scientific and international updates in the field of Nutritional and Health Alleges of Food Products and Food Additives & Pollutants.
It worth mentioning that the two courses received high attendance and appreciation by participants as they present a high professional value in the field of specifications and standards and due to the sound and professional reputation of SFDA, in carrying out its works and continuous follow-up of international updates in this field in its endeavors to achieve consumer and interests and safety .