SFDA conducts a Comprehensive Survey of Drug Stores Kingdom –wide

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SFDA continued its inspection tours to Pharmaceutical Products Stores in the various regions of the Kingdom since the task of control of drug stores was transferred to SFDA on 1/1/1431H, to ensure conformance of these stores with the technical standards that guarantee the safety and quality of pharmaceutical products during storage.
Drug Sector’s Inspection Committees, based on the information received from the previous licensing authorities, conducted a survey of all stores area within Riyadh City to investigate and check for the conformance of licensed stores with the fundamentals of quality storage and to check for unlicensed stores that practice drug storage activities.
The inspection tours revealed that 12% of the licensed stores (15 stores), actually do not exercise this activity, in addition 9% of t he licensed stores (11 stores) exercise this activity or transferred their premises without obtaining prior consent of the licensing authority. Inspection teams closed out (9) stores due to violation of the Pharmaceutical Products & Organizations Regulations, out of 125 inspected stores. In addition 91 new licenses are issued for this activity. The inspection Committees are currently inspecting the various regions of the Kingdom within the frame of a comprehensive survey plan for inspection of all drug stores in the Kingdom.
SFDA would like to emphasize that obtaining initial license does not give organizations the right to trade in or store drugs. SFDA encourages all to abide by the regulations and to obtain the necessary final licenses for operation of drug stores.

Also, SFDA requests owners of drug stores to update their information in the Drug Establishments National Register (DENR) as soon as possible by accessing SFDA Website: , Drug Sector E-Services, to communicate with SFDA and finalize their transactions electronically, in accordance with SFDA Regulation issued by the Royal Decree No. M/6 dated 25/1/1428 H.

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