SFDA confirmed that it will apply the mandatory electronic registration of locally produced and imported cosmetic products, based on product type, starting from 12 Jumada II, 1436H (April 01 , 2015). SFDA added that all companies can apply for inclusion of their products from now, during the non-mandatory period. All local products factories and warehouses are obliged to obtain authorization from SFDA to include their products. SFDA also called cosmetics factories and warehouses to schedule their products and start to include them; pointing out that the products included in 2015 will be exempted from charges. Mandatory electronic listing of mouth care products will start from the 1st. of April, 2015 and for nails care products from June2015, for hair and scalp care products from October 2015 and for skin care products from 2016 as shown in the attached picture.
However, SFDA has started in Du al Hijja, 1435H the deployment of eCosma system with the objective of compliance verification of cosmetic products to the technical specifications prior to marketing authorization and to facilitate post-marketing tracking of these products to ensure their quality and safety and help to recall harmful products through a dedicated program for such cases.
Through eCosma system, local cosmetic products factories and warehouses can be licensed quickly, in addition to linking the products listed under such organizations for easy tracking of their supply chain.