SFDA, launched the first campaign to introduce its electronic systems and laws, in Riyadh, Dammam and Jeddah, and the campaign was started in the headquarters of Saudi Chambers Council in Riyadh, for three days.
The Campaign targeting SFDA beneficiaries in the three sectors (food - medicine - medical devices and products).
SFDA has allocated a booth where its representatives from all sectors, attended to answer all inquiries for corporate procedures and criteria followed by SFDA for customs clearance, registration, and licensing foe facilities and all the products that subject to supervision of SFDA, SFDA will also distribute awareness pamphlets for the electronic systems.
SFDA Director of the business executive management of the awareness and media Engineer Rami Altwaijri, Explained that this campaign comes within SFDA activities group, to increase awareness of the electronic systems, targeting the owners of warehouses and food distribution centers, and food industry and drinking water factories, pharmacies and pharmaceutical warehouses, and medical devices corporate, optics, and all the other beneficiaries from SFDA services.
He added that the campaign itself held in Chamber of Commerce in the Eastern Province on the 10th of April, over three days to conclude at the Chamber of Commerce in Jeddah on 24 of the same month.