On Saturday 2/1/1431 AH, the Drug Sector of SFDA started licensing of Drug Wholesale Stores by virtue of SFDA Regulations that stipulated the transfer of all drug regulatory, executive and control functions to SFDA.
To facilitate the licensing process, all application forms, licensing conditions and requirements are now located in SFDA Portal under Drug Sector Regulations item. Applications can be directly submitted to SFDA (Registration Department Building) in Riyadh, or sending them by mail to the following address:
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Food & Drug Authority
3292-Northern Ring Road
Al Nafal Section – Unit No. 1
Riyadh 6288-13312
For further information and inquiries please call phone No. 01275922, Extension 5383 or 5319 or e-mail: drug-dept@sfda.gov.sa or fax No: 012057643
SFDA requests owners of drug stores that are licensed by the Ministry of Health to enter their detailed information in the Drug Establishments National Register (DENR) by visiting the Drug Sector Electronic Services link on SFDA website.
Moreover, this system is considered a pre-requisite for future communications and transactions with SFDA