SFDA refused clearance of 37 consignment weighs 408 tons of imported food via outlets across the Kingdom, during the month of Rabie Al Thani, 250 thousand kilograms of rice was in it.
SFDA explained in a statement, preventing the entry of this imported food to the Kingdom was for violating the approved technical regulations and standards in chemical, physical or mandatory data card on products.
SFDA pointed out that the rejected consignments represents 0.064% of the Missionaries Released, which was 45,379 consignments weighs 637,901 tons.
And exported rice was on the top of offending foods seized by SFDA inspectors in the ports during Rabie Al Thani month, which was 250,000 kg, followed by meat preparations by 71,638 kilogram, then fruits and vegetables 48,332 kg, and milk products 18,964 kg, then drinks 10,140 kg, then the Coffee or tea 4,225 kg, then the food pastes 2,725 kg, Meat and poultry in 1,139 kilo grams, then the oils and fats 850 kilograms, and then extracts and concentrates of tea or coffee 243 kilograms, then whole grains 200 kg .
The total weight of the food bearing the irregularities in their cards 358,894 kg, physical irregularities 25,928 kg, and chemical irregularities 23,634 kilograms. The enhancement of SFDA’s processes has much contributed to facilitation of the procedures and increasing the efficiency of control of imported food at the points of entry, particularly with the enforcement of the electronic clearance system in 1435H at all points of entry, where clearance of all shipments was only allowed through the electronic systems. This made it easy to obtain information about the products, their importers and tracking of same in case of recalling or consumer safety issues. The electronic Black Listing system, launched in 1435H also plays a critical role in tightening control on imported food. SFDA’s processes development was recently crowned by the approval of the Council of Ministers’ of Food Regulations that authorizes SFDA to issue food standard specifications and technical rules and link release of imported food to SFDA’s approval according to its approved conditions, requirements and procedures. SFDA’s imported food inspectors audit and verify food certifications and documents attached to the shipments to confirm their completeness (documents verification) and check all shipment items against such documents (to check product I.D), conduct field visits to containers for physical check to confirm compliance of all food items with the technical rules and standard specifications in addition to referral of suspected items to the laboratory for analysis. Shipments may be rejected at any stage of the inspection process. Permission will be granted to release all items that are free of any comments or deviations and will be referred to customs on the same day, for clearance.
"SFDA" refuses Clearance for 250 thousand kilograms of rice
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