SFDA Rejected more than 6536 Tons of imported food stuff during the first three months of the current year due to non-compliance to the approved specifications and standards of chemical, microbial , physical or mandatory labeling information or banning importation of the same.
SFDA clarified that the rejected materials arrived in 735 shipments of which 182 shipments arrived in Moharram, weighing 1218 tons and representing 0.22% of the total shipments released by SFDA during the same period, i.e 35,378 shipments weighing more than 561 thousand tons.
However, the rejected shipments during Safar were 340, weighing 3770 tons and representing 0.55% of the total shipments released during the same period, i.e 35,496 shipments weighing 684 thousand tons. The rejected shipments during Rabi I were 213, weighing 1548 tons and representing 0.19% of the total shipments released during the same period, i.e 32,468 shipments weighing 790 thousand tons.
Rice comprised 25% of the rejected food stuff . The rejected food due to non-compliance to microbial standards were imported from companies in 16 countries totaling 768225 kilograms. The rejected food due to non-compliance to chemical standards were imported from companies in 17 countries totaling 1052544 kilograms. The rejected food due to non-compliance to physical standards were imported from companies in 24 countries totaling 877128 kilograms. The rejected food due to non-compliance to labeling standards were imported from companies in 41 countries totaling 3791403 kilograms. The violating food stuff due to banning of (meat, poultry and milk products) were imported from companies in 4 countries totaling 47784 kilograms.
Among the rejected shipments from 53 countries, Asian countries represented 3128724 Kilograms, American countries 1495011 Kilograms, European countries represented 1484464, African countries 392179 kilograms and Oceania 36702 Kilograms.
Top Rejected Foods
Rice topped the list by 1461188 Kg, followed by processed vegetables and fruit 1037057 Kg, sugar 583946, coffee beans and tea 565971 kg, bakeries 478097, meat & poultry 450903 kg, milk products 342783 kg, shelled fruit 295673 kg, fish &seafood 272052 kg, beverages270326kg. Edible oils & fats 218755kg., Coffee or tea concentrates 143779 kg., Wheat floor 143537 kg., processed meat 75385 kg., confectionaries containing coco 75014 kg., whole grains 37150 kg., manufacturing food stuff 33750 kg., plant concentrates 25962 kg. and salt 25750 kg.
Imported Food Inspectors
The tasks of food inspectors at the points of entry include: Verification of certificates and document of imported food and checking materials against attached documents, physical check of containers to ensure compliance of materials to specifications, check producers’ I.D, labeling and sending samples to laboratories for analysis upon inspector’s decision.
The shipment can be rejected and not allowed to enter to Saudi market at any stage of the inspection process. All items that have no discrepancies will be released and the transaction will be referred to customs on the same day to proceed with clearance of the same.