The goal of this sector is to ensure safety and security of food and feed, safety and security of pesticides and ease commercial traffic flow while maintaining safety of food and reinforcement of consumers and clients confidence in food control authority.
Number of research companies
Number of registered research
Number of clinical studies
SFDA Services
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- Overview Food
- Overview Drugs
- Overview Medical
- Research and Studies
- Circulars
- Record research participation
The Sector is responsible for safety, efficacy, and quality of human, veterinary, herbal, and cosmetic products. Depending through a series of procedure’s and controls in accordance with approved international stander.
Medical Devices Sector at Saudi Food and Drug Authority plays a pivotal role ensuring safety, efficacy and performance of medical devices under a comprehensive legislation and regulation. Indeed, Saudi Medical Devices regulatory frame is aligned with international practice in terms of harmonization and convergence where it chaired the Global Harmonization Working Party (GHWP) and active member in many technical committees in IMDRF and ISO.