SFDA seized more than 58 thousand products during inspection campaigns on stores that sell appliances and medical products in 29 city between 19/11/1435 AH and 09/04/1436 AH .SFSA said in a statement, that the inspection teams carried out rounds on 315 shops that selles medical devices in 29 city across the kingdom, and seized 58,016 products thats violate the list of medical devices control, included 5,319 device for measuring sugar, 10,194 tape devices for sugar measurement, 1,621 needle for sugar measurement, and 9,682 Medical Surgical needles, and 1,669 devices for measuring blood pressure, and 606 surgery gloves, and 346 doctor Headset, and in 1,137 temperature measurement devices, and 315 GTX inhalation, and 61 oxygen regulator device, and 7,448 pregnancy test, and 357 oxygen mask, and 19,261 other medical products.
SFDA noted that most prominent irregularities are not obtaining a license for facility, or the license is not-renewed, and the lack of permission permit from SFDA for marketing, fake and adulterated products, and products expired or damaged, and the absence of instructions to use the Arabic language for your home, and irregularities tariff card of the product, and medical device frequency not matching Saudi specifications.
SFDA destroyed some of the products, and stipulate necessary corrective plans on other violated products and give a period of time with a follow-up implementation, and the issuance of the authorization certificates to marketing them, with suspension of license in case of non-compliance, which leads to stop the import and distribution for the facility.